Terms of Services

Ongoing therapy
Therapy is booked with an end goal in mind (specific targets outlined at the onset of therapy). This determines when we can say that my work is finished with you and your family.
If we are engaging in in-person sessions, I would appreciate that children, siblings etc. refrain from entering our therapy space. This is to ensure our full attention and participation within the session and to ensure that all of our focus is directed at your child who requires my service.
It is not permissible to leave me alone with your child during a therapy session.
I do not mind you recording our session (online or in-person) for your own learning and development, but I ask that you please disclose this to me prior to our session and do not post this online without my consent.
If you require some additional written material, please allow up to two weeks for this to be completed for you.
Data Collection
Data collection is an imperative part of our work together. In my practice I do not rely on subjective opinions and interpretations, but rather my therapy is guided by the data that I receive from you. Therefore it is a requirement of our work together, for you to take data on the work that you do with your child.
Please provide video footage, data, graphs, and other ‘homework’ related material no later than 24 hours prior to our next session so that I can review it in a timely manner prior to our next appointment.
There are two options for payment: pre-pay one week in advance for each week (invoiced to you), or you can pre-pay for a couple of sessions (invoiced as requested). Whichever you prefer.
Late payment is not accepted. Credit is not given on any sessions or services. This is why payment in advance is necessary in order to secure your session.
It is your responsibility to keep all receipts issued to you. Receipts will not be back-dated and can not be amended on my current system. Please stipulate in advance what name you wish on your invoice/receipt.
Payment can be made via payment online or via cash. Cheques are not accepted.
Payment for additional services that are outside of your weekly therapy session will be invoiced to you in advance of your receipt of these i.e professional reports, written materials, programmes etc.
Cancellation of a session must be given via email to: sarah.murrayaba@gmail.com
Cancellation of our session with 23 hours (or less notice) will incur the full cost of the session.
Cancellation made 24-47 hours in advance will incur a cost of 50% of the cost of the session.
Cancellation made 48 hours or more in advance will not incur any cost.
Sick Policy
There is a strict no therapy while sick policy which applies to both clients and behaviour analysts.
If a child is sick upon your arrival at the clinic, or sick during our session, our session will cease immediately and 100% of the cost will apply.
Sick includes but is not limited to; stomach viruses, vomiting, diarrhoea, fever, influenza and cold symptoms, green mucous, cough, sore throat, sore ears, chest infections, chicken pox and measles.
For any illnesses on my behalf of myself, which requires short-term notice to be made to you, an alternative date to conduct the therapy session will be scheduled, when possible. Please be advised that this is not always possible but I will do my absolute best to accommodate you.
Although my work phone is on Monday to Friday between the hours of 09:00 - 17:30, I may not be able to reply to you immediately. Please allow 24 hours for me to respond. This also applies to emails, texts, phone calls and WhatsApp.
My scheduled time on my phone is in the morning prior to work, so although I might see your message throughout the day, I may not reply back to you until the following morning.
My work phone and email will not be contactable on evenings, weekends, on planned annual leave, sick days and bank holidays.
Bank Holiday
There is no therapy service on bank holidays.
Termination of Services
You, the client, may terminate services at any point, and without reason. However, written notice of this is required, so that I can close your file and take a client from my waitlist to replace your session space.
If I do not hear from you within an eight-day period (apart from annual leave on both parts), I will assume termination and your space will be forfeit.
Following the cessation of therapy, you will no longer have access to your child’s folder. Once therapy ceases, your child’s folder will be stored on file or this personalised data will be destroyed as per GDPR guidelines (if requested).
I may terminate service with no less than 14 full days written notice for one of the following:
Your child no longer requires my service (has met pre-agreed goals or objectives)
Our therapy sessions have come to an end (use have met pre-determined objectives)
Your child would benefit from another therapy beyond my scope of practice (e.g. OT, SLT)
There has been a violation in the terms of our agreement
Please note that under some circumstances, the behaviour analyst will give notice of instant termination of services for the following reasons: physical or verbal abuse, making threats or threatening tone of voice and/or body language, refusal of payment, defamation of character or slanderous accusations, to myself directly or to other persons outside of this contract, and coercion of unethical conduct.
As part of my own professional learning, development and progression, and as a good measure to ensure an excellent standard of therapy at all times, I like to receive supervision and mentorship on my work from time to time. This will involve another experienced practitioner (another BCBA) overseeing aspects of my work. This is not a requirement as part of my practise, but is an optional measure that I like to do as I work as an independent practitioner nationwide.
Client anonymity is kept throughout this process, and you will not be identified to the supervising BCBA.
If you are unhappy with the behaviour analytic service that you are receiving or with any other aspect of my service, please discuss this with me immediately so that we can work to remedy any concerns for the benefit of your child's therapy.
Written Material & Copyright
The folder designed specifically for your child, and written by me, is my intellectual property and is not to be copied or distributed under any circumstances. This includes photographing the contents of the folder and sharing them. If you wish to share folder information with another professional working with your child, (the IEP/BSP folder), permission must first be obtained from me. Any other professional who has been granted permission to view the folder is not permitted a copy of the contents of the folder but can instead be granted a summary of programme goals and targets within each programme, progress on these, and other such relevant
information. I please ask that you respect me and my work and respect this aspect of our contract and understand and appreciate the work that is involved in folder production, updating and maintenance. *Please note that the fee you pay for folder production is a fee to cover the cost of resources and time spent on the production of the folder only. It does not stipulate ownership of the folder.
Confidentiality, anonymity and breeching
The work we do together is confidential. All data, video footage, documents and reports in my possession of myself will be kept secure, private and deleted when viewed. No access will be permitted to persons other than you and me. Any data that is stored on a laptop, this laptop will be password protected. I do not have permission from you to disclose any personal information and if there is a need to do so, written consent must first be obtained from you. The exception to this is when I am mandated by a court to disclose this information when there is a potential risk to either the client or toward another person, or for referral purposes.
If you are still looking for more information then you can contact us through one of our preferred contact methods:
Email: sarah.murrayaba@gmail.com
Phone: 085 776 8924